Past Events
- 12 November, 2024 · 3:00 PM -5:00 PM
Dancing at the Digital Crossroads
The Companion to Irish Traditional Music in the Maintenance of Irish Cultural Identity
- 5 October, 2024 · 2:00 PM -4:00 PM
Flute concert at Cork Folk Festival
At An Spailpín Fánach, with Tony McCarthy, Aoife Granville, Eamonn Cotter
- 8 September, 2024 · 6:00 PM -8:00 PM
Flute concert at Sean Corcoran Series
Flute concert, playing with Gary Hastings, Fíona Ní Mharáin, Aoife Granville and Sadhbh Ní Mhaolagáin
- 27 July, 2024 · 12:00 PM -1:00 PM
Turas at Fiddlers’ Green festival
A performance of Ulster music from Turas—Virtual Ireland in Music will be given by Fintan Vallely, Tiarnán Ó Duinnchinn, Róisín Chambers and Caoimhe Ní Mhaolagáin at Fiddlers’ Green festival, Rostrevor, Co. Down, at 12 noon, Saturday 27th July. Full information on Turas music and the CD album Compánach
- 25 June, 2024 · 11:45 AM -12:30 PM
History of the Irish bodhrán—talk at Craiceann 2024
Fintan Vallely has just completed the first major study of the history of the Irish bodhran, to be published in winter, 2024. He has given talks on this in many places since 2008, including at Craiceann in 2012. Now with the work completed, and publication imminent he will speak at Craiceann again on June 25th,…
- 5 June, 2024 · 6:30 PM -8:00 PM
Launch of Companion to Irish Traditional Music 3
25 years since the first edition in 1999, the newest edition of this book will be launched at the Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, central Dublin. MC for the event will be Dr. Liz Doherty, and the launch address will be given by Dr. Conor Caldwell of IWAMD, University of Limerick. Music will be…
- 12 May, 2024 · 4:00 PM -6:00 PM
Companach concert in Stuttgart
Mark Redmond (uilleann pipes), John Kelly (fiddle) and Fintan Vallely (flute) will play concerts in the Stuttgart area of Germany from May 9th-12th. May 9th – casual session in O’Reilly’s Irish bar, 9pm plus. Saturday, May 11th – concert in the Alte Rathaus, Hoefingen, 7pm Sunday, May 12th, concert in Studio Olgastrasse, at 93B Olgastrasse,…
- 11 May, 2024 · 7:30 PM -9:00 PM
Concerts in Stuttgart area, Germany
John Kelly (fiddle), Mark Redmond (uilleann pipes) and Fintan Vallely (flute) playing in the Stuttgart area in May, 2024. Thursday, May 9th, casual session in O’Reilly’s Irish bar, after 6pm Saturday, May 11th, concert in the Alte Rathaus, Hoefingen, 7pm Sunday, May 12th, afternoon concert in Studio Olgastrasse, 93B Olgastrasse, Stuttgart, 4pm One-to-one tuition workshops:…
- 9 May, 2024 · 10:00 AM -12 May, 2024 · 1:00 PM
Flute, fiddle and uilleann pipes workshops in Stuttgart
John Kelly (fiddle), Mark Redmond (uilleann pipes) and Fintan Vallely (flute) who are playing in the Stuttgart area in May, 2024 are offering teaching traditional music on pipes, flute and fiddle from May 9th - May 12th.
- 19 January, 2024 · 2:30 PM -3:30 PM
Turas at Your Roots are Showing conference
Performance of selected sections from the Turas concert by Fintan Vallely, Gerry O’Connor, Tiarnán Ó Duinnchinn, with Caoimhe Ní Mhaolagáin (sean-nós dance, fiddle) and Róisín Wall Morrow (fiddle, song)
- 23 April, 2023 · 9:30 PM -11:30 PM
TG4 Gradam Ceoil 2023
TG4 Gradam Ceoil 2023 is in its 26th year and the awards ceremony will air live on TG4 on Sunday the 23rd April at 9.30pm from University Concert Hall in Limerick. The annual Gradam Ceoil Awards, also known as ‘the Oscars of traditional music’, pay homage to musicians who have advanced, strengthened, and preserved traditional music in Ireland. This year’s Lifetime Achievement 2023 goes to Fintan Vallely. Fintan Vallely is a flute player, author, songwriter and educator, born in rural county Armagh in 1949. He played whistle, flute and uilleann pipes from his teenage years, has recorded several albums, including Fintan Vallely – Traditional Irish Flute Music (1979), The Starry Lane to Monaghan (1992), and Merrijig Creek (2021), in addition to touring across Ireland, in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.
- 15 March, 2023 · 4:00 PM -6:00 PM
Grace Kelly Irish-American Song-sheet catalogue launch 2023
Launch of an archive of 1,099 printed Irish-American song-lyrics and music sheets from the years c. 1840-1940. It was catalogued by Fintan Vallely in early 2020, and printed off as a limited-run hard copy book to be launched on March 19th, 2020.
- 13 March, 2023 · 1:00 PM -2:00 PM
Fintan Vallely gives a one-hour lunchtime recital of Irish Traditional music on concert flute at this centre-city venu
- 7 February, 2020
Ón gCos go Cluas – From Dancing to Listening
32 papers from the 2012 NAFCo conference on Traditional music. Hard copy book available from March 1st, 2020.
- 18 August, 2019
The Sight of Sound: Traditional music in Irish Art
As one of the presentations in Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, 2019, in Drogheda, Fintan Vallely gave a talk on the images of Traditional music in Irish art from the eighteenth century through to the present day.
- 17 August, 2019
Compánach at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann
The Compánach audio-visual concert was performed in The Barbican Centre, Drogheda at 2pm and 5pm on Saturday, 17th August as part of Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann.
- 14 August, 2019
Music by the Vallelys of Armagh
The Humours of Blundell’s Grange - Music by the Vallelys of Armagh - was performed in the Muintearas concert series at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in the Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda, Wednesday, August 14th, 2019. Taking part were Brian (uilleann pipes); Eithne (fiddle); Dara (uilleann pipes); Caoimhín (fiddle & piano); Cillian (uilleann pipes); Sheena (flute); Fintan (flute, song); Juliette Conlon-Hamill (ballad).
- 26 January, 2019
Compánach at Hammersmith Irish Centre, London
Compánach performed at the Hammersmith Irish Centre London, with Tiarnán Ó Duinnchinn on pipes, Fintan Vallely on flute, Gerry O'Connor on fiddle, Róisín Chambers, song and fiddle, and dance with Sibéal Davitt.
- 1 April, 2018
Compánach at the National Folk Festival, Canberra
Compánach at a landmark, prestigious Australian festival. Members of the group also playing in various recitals and ceilidh-dance sessions, as well as doing tuition on flute, fiddle, sean-nós step-dance and singing. On this occasion Liz Doherty played fiddle.